
MW Deirdre McCauley and MW Edward Mosso

Our 2023-2024 Term is Well Underway

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We have enjoyed time with our families and friends throughout the holiday season. We were able to share time in Florida with the Grand Lodge officers meeting up with many of our members who reside outside of New York State. We will enjoy spending time in March with our General Grand members and officers and then our work really begins in earnest.

March 16th our official visits begin as we make every effort to meet and greet our members throughout New York State. We along with our Grand Line officers and commissioners will bring messages relative to the activities our organization is engaged in. We hope to inspire members to get active and stay active. We will recognize members for their years of service in each district, where the Deputy arranges it.

As you can see by the charities we have chosen we are dedicated to supporting our veterans and first responders. They put themselves out there to serve their communities and their country. They pay a huge price and we owe it to them to enhance their lives whenever and wherever we can. We hope that the members across New York State and beyond will join us in our efforts to support these courageous men and women.

We are also truly invested in our membership. We are working with our membership committee to help build membership and learn ways to retain members after they have joined. We encourage all, to take a lead and show friends and family what a wonderful organization we have and encourage them to join in our good work. As we travel throughout the state this year we will take great pleasure in meeting as many members as possible and renewing many friendships along the way.

In Fraternal Love and Friendship,

MW Deirdre McCauley
Grand Matron

MW Edward Mosso
Grand Patron

Holiday Message

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The Holiday time is here! We gather with friends and family to celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas. It is the best time to make memories . We wish you and your family health and happiness during this season.  Hoping your presents fulfilled your dreams. May the New Year give you joy and happiness. May His Light shine down upon the earth  and  give peace for all mankind throughout the land.

MW Deirdre McCauley and MW Edward Mosso

Our 2022-2023 Has Gotten Off to a Good Start

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We have had several official visits already and it is great to see our sisters and brothers out and about. We are looking forward to a fun filled year. We wish everyone a happy Easter and Passover and look forward to seeing many more members as our travels continue.

Please keep in mind our Eastern Star Home. The appeal we sent out in January is doing well, but we have not reached our goal as of yet and are truly grateful for the support we have received so far.

Please watch our newsletter for other announcements and plan to attend as many events as possible as the Grand Patron says in his address, let us Respond and Build harmony.

Spring is in the air

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oesny-flowerSpring is in the air and our Sisters and Brothers are getting restless. It has been a long year of isolating, distancing and self-preservation. Many chapters are getting back to the business of meeting in person, with careful consideration of the fact this pandemic is not over. We encourage social gatherings so long as you keep distanced, wear masks and continue to sanitize. While the Grand Matron and Grand Patron have cancelled their formal official visits, they are still open to attending small celebrations whenever they are invited. We are working with a committee to review the feasibility of having a Bazaar on our Campus in Oriskany in July and a Grand Session in October. News is shared regularly on our OES newsletter. If you do not get the newsletter and are interested, contact the Grand Secretary to be put on the list. We wish you well as you start to open your lives again and look forward to seeing many of our sisters and brothers as opportunities present themselves.

Sincerely….. Jane Stuart; Grand Matron and Michael Kessler; Grand Patron.

Our 2020-2021 has officially begun.

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We enjoyed our installation at Grand Chapter although due to this pandemic it was a bit different than normal. We regretted not being able to be with all of our officers as they were installed. We are sorry that we have not had the opportunity to meet each one as yet. We are praying that things take a turn toward what we know as normal and we will have an opportunity to spend time with our Staff and all members. December brought us to our Campus in Oriskany. We were not able to spend time with our residents or the employees as the facility was in lockdown to protect everyone. We did bring Christmas Greetings and our thanks to the employees for doing an outstanding job all year. Our facility has been fortunate to have very few COVID positive cases among the staff and none among the nursing home residents. We did share time with a few of our Most Worthy family who could join us for a dinner on Friday night. The Grand Patron and I enjoyed sharing time with our new Grand Line and are looking forward to executing the plans we have made for our year. There will be no sojourn to Florida this year as it is not safe, nor wise to travel and meet in large groups. We are sad that we will not get to make this journey as the Grand Matron and Grand Patron but are grateful that we did get to go in 2020 and will make an effort to attend again if the world situation permits. We wish all members in New York and around the world good health, safety and much love. Our Grand Master says that Masonry never stops and that goes of OES as well. We will continue our good works no matter what.

Sincerely, Jane L Stuart Grand Matron and Michael F Kessler, Grand Patron